
Warm honey massage


Professional honey massage affects not only the muscles but also the outer and inner layers of the dermis. Deeply penetrating honey into the skin helps to improve the nutrition of all layers of skin, nourishing them with vitamins and minerals

Honey massage is an excellent prevention of physical and psychological exhaustion. This type of massage eliminates headaches, normalizes sleep, successfully fights with stress

A session of this massage helps to detoxify the body. Nice addition for effect of massage will be elastic and silky skin, which provides a warm honey mask. With each visit, You’ll feel how the subcutaneous seals are smoothed and eliminated the first manifestations of cellulite.

Warm honey massage
3.7 (74.34%) 53 votes

Час Spa-процедури 60хв - 1560 UAH1560 UAH
Час Spa-процедури 90хв - 2060 UAH2060 UAH

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