
Public offer agreement

AGREEMENT of a public offer on the provision of services using software products

INDIVIDUAL ENTREPRENEUR VOLODYMIR IVANOVYCH CHERNOVOLSKY (hereinafter “Executive”), in the person of VOLODYMIR IVANOVYCH CHERNOVOLSKY, acting on the basis of the Extract from the unified state register on the one hand, hereby offers to an unlimited number of natural persons, hereinafter referred to as the Client or Customer, on the other Party (hereinafter together – the Parties) – to accept this Public Offer (to enter into an agreement on the provision of body and face care services, massage services and other spa procedures). The offer is public and, according to Art. Art. 633, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, its conditions are the same for all Clients or Customers. Unreserved acceptance of all terms of this Public Offer without any exceptions and/or limitations is considered acceptance of this Public Offer (hereinafter the Agreement) by the Contractor and the Customer, and the Agreement itself is automatically considered concluded.

Section 1.

1.1. Public offer – an offer by the Contractor (published on the Contractor’s website), addressed to an unlimited number of natural persons in accordance with Article 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, to enter into an Agreement for the provision of services under the specified terms of the Agreement
1.2. A contract is a deed drawn up in the form of an accession contract in accordance with Art. 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine on the provision of services, the terms of which are established by the Contractor, and which can be concluded only by joining the Customer to the proposed Agreement as a whole.
1.3. The Contractor’s website is a web page on the Internet at, which is the main source of information for the Customer and/or can be used by the Customer to order the Contractor’s services.
1.4. The Customer is a legally competent natural person who has accepted the Contractor’s Public Offer set out in this Agreement.
1.5. The User is a natural person who has installed (downloaded) and registered on the Contractor’s server with a confirmation code that is automatically sent in the form of an SMS message to the phone number specified by the Customer.
1.6. Acceptance – full, unconditional and unconditional acceptance by the Customer of the conditions specified in the Offer without any exceptions, limitations and reservations in accordance with part 2 of Article 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. Acceptance can be made in one of the following ways:
- filling out, signing and handing over by the Customer to the Contractor a written Acceptance, a sample of which is available on the Contractor’s website;
- by transferring funds to the Contractor’s bank account as payment or partial payment for the relevant services of the Contractor;
- placing an Order for the Contractor’s services by the Customer using the Contractor’s website and/or using the Contractor’s mobile application.
1.7. The Customer must familiarize himself with the terms of the Public Offer and confirm his agreement with its terms when receiving any services of the Contractor, as well as when ordering any services through the Contractor’s Website and/or through the Contractor’s Mobile Application.
1.8. Authorized access – access to the Contractor’s services subject to successful attestation of the legality of the user’s remote access to the Contractor’s server, which is carried out using a confirmation code automatically generated by the Contractor’s server.
1.9 Invitation code – an individual set of characters that is automatically generated by the Contractor’s Server, sent by SMS to the phone number specified by the Customer and allows registration on the Contractor’s server.
1.10. Account data – data of the User (Customer), which are used to identify him and provide authorized access to services.
1.11. Personal data – information or a set of information about a natural person who is identified or can be specifically identified.
1.12. The consent of the subject of personal data is a voluntary expression of the will of a natural person, who gives permission for the processing of his personal data in accordance with the purpose of processing.
1.13. Processing of personal data – any action or set of actions, such as collection, registration, accumulation, storage, adaptation, change, renewal, use and dissemination (distribution, realization, transfer), depersonalization, destruction of personal data, including using information (automated) systems.
1.14. Rules for the provision of relevant Services – the terms of provision of Services, which are chosen by the Customer within the framework of this Agreement, are an integral part of it and are the only source of settlement of all relations between the Customer and the Contractor arising in the process of providing Services.
All advertising, presentation and other materials created and existing for the purpose of informing about the Contractor’s services are for informational and reference purposes only and are not a source of regulation of all the terms of the provision of Services.
1.15. A Gift Certificate is a document that confirms payment in the form of prepayment for the planned purchase and receipt of services in the stores specified in it for an amount equivalent to the face value of the certificate.
1.16. Deposit – deposit by the Customer in favor of the Contractor of a certain amount of money (Deposit) for using the services of “Bali” Spa salons on subscription terms with the use of discounts on the Contractor’s services (a certain percentage of the usual price) during the period specified in the contract, within the amount of the Deposit .

Section 2.
General conditions

2.1. This Agreement is concluded between the Customer and the Contractor in the form of an accession agreement in accordance with Art. 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations.
2.2. The publication (posting) of the text of the Agreement on the Contractor’s website is an official offer (Public Offer) of the Contractor, addressed to an unspecified circle of persons in accordance with Article 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, to enter into an agreement with him on the provision of services under the terms of the accession agreement.
2.3. In the case of acceptance of the terms of this Offer, the Customer agrees to all the terms of this Agreement and confirms that he understands all its provisions.
2.4. This Offer is an open and publicly available document. The current version of the Agreement is posted at and is available for review until the Customer accepts the terms of the Agreement.
2.5. The Contractor has the right to Change or supplement the Agreement at any time without prior or subsequent notification, which is made public 10 days before they enter into force and are made public by means of a publication on the Site. The Customer is responsible for familiarizing himself with the current version of the Agreement. Continuation of the use of services by the Customer after making changes and/or additions to the Agreement means acceptance and consent of the User with such changes and/or additions.
2.6. Continuation of the use of services by the Customer after the entry into force of changes and/or additions to the text of the Offer means acceptance by the Customer of the updated Agreement. If the Customer disagrees with the changes and/or additions made by the Contractor to the text of the Offer, or disagrees with the new tariffs for services, the Customer must stop ordering services and cancel all his previous entries.
2.7. Each Party guarantees to the other Party that it has the necessary legal capacity, as well as all the rights and powers necessary and sufficient for the conclusion and execution of the Agreement in accordance with its terms. The customer also confirms that there are no circumstances that could render such an agreement null and void.
2.8. This Agreement is public within the meaning of Article 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine.
2.9. The place of conclusion of the Agreement is the city of Odesa, Ukraine.
2.10. By joining this Public Offer, the Customer gives consent to the Contractor for the use and processing of his personal data within the framework of the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data”.

Section 3.
The procedure for concluding the Agreement

3.1. The conclusion of the Agreement is carried out through the Customer’s joining the Public Offer through his full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the terms of this Agreement as a whole, without any conditions, exclusions and comments.
3.2. The Customer confirms that before concluding this Agreement, he was fully and properly familiarized with all its provisions and accepted them of his own free will without any coercion. Confirmation of familiarization with the terms of the contract and their implementation by the Customer of the actions specified in clause 3.3.
3.3. The customer accepts the Agreement (that is, gives his direct and irrevocable consent to comply with all its terms) by collectively or individually performing at least one of the following actions:
– filling out, signing and handing over by the Customer to the Contractor a written Acceptance, a sample of which is available on the Contractor’s website;
– by transferring funds to the Contractor’s bank account as payment or partial payment for the relevant services of the Contractor;
- by the Customer placing an Order for the Contractor’s services using the Contractor’s website.
3.4. The fact of conclusion (acceptance) of the Agreement is the performance by the Customer of the actions specified in clause 3.3. Section 3 of this Agreement.
3.5. The contract, subject to compliance with the procedure for its acceptance, is considered concluded in a simple written form, enters into force from the moment of acceptance and is valid for the entire period of receiving services, or until the moment of its termination on the grounds determined by the terms of the contract and/or the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine. Expiration of the Agreement does not release the parties from fulfilling their obligations.
3.6. The conclusion of the Agreement means that the Customer: has familiarized himself with the rules of service provision to the extent necessary for him; acknowledges the professional suitability of the Contractor and the rules for performing all actions described in this Agreement and accepts all the conditions of the specified Agreement without comments.
3.7. The artist’s website operates on an “as is” basis, that is, as the Customer currently sees it and as it is available to the Customer.
3.8. The Contractor is not responsible for any unauthorized access or use of any information about users stored on the Server, as well as for any errors, failures, viruses and other deficiencies and violations in the operation of the pre-recording program that may be transmitted to the mobile application or through the Application by third parties and their consequences for the User, including but not exclusively: for damages, lost profit, moral damage, damage to honor, dignity and business reputation.

Section 4.
The subject of the contract, the procedure for performance and payment of services

4.1. This Public Offer (Agreement) defines the specifics of the provision of body and face care services, massage services and other spa procedures.
4.2. The customer pays the cost of the services provided to him in a timely manner and in full, according to the tariffs established by the Contractor. The cost of services is determined on the website and in printed products provided in the salon or by its representatives or partners.
4.3. The amount of the contract consists of the amount of ordered and provided services.
4.4. Services are provided from the moment of Acceptance by the Customer of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and its annexes.
4.5. The place of service provision is considered to be the place identified and specified by the Customer.
4.6. Services are provided by the Contractor within the premises of the “Bali” chain of spa salons, the list of which is listed on the Contractor’s website.
4.7. The customer pays for the services by transferring money for the services to the current account of the Contractor or pays in cash directly in the premises of the network of salons.
4.8. The contractor has the right to unilaterally change the tariffs for services. The Contractor publishes information about such changes on its official website.
4.9. If the Customer refuses the Order, the prepayment by the Contractor to the Customer is not returned.
4.10. The Contractor does not return the subscription made by the Customer in the case provided for in clause 5.3.3. Section 5 and clause 8.2. Section 8 of this Agreement.
4.11. Services are provided in the following order:
4.11.1. The Customer accepts this Agreement in any way specified in Clause 1.6. Section 1. of this Agreement and executes the Order using the Contractor’s website.
4.11.2. The Contractor, having received confirmation of the Customer’s acceptance of this Agreement, agrees the date and time of the visit to the “Bali” spa salon with the Customer.

Section 5.
Rights and duties

5.1. The customer has the right to:
5.1.1. Receive necessary and reliable information about the Contractor, the scope of services provided by him, as well as other information related to the provision of services. Receive information about the current prices for services posted on the official website and/or located at the Contractor’s Administrator.
5.1.2. Pay for services and use them, or purchase a gift certificate or pay a deposit.
5.1.3. Use the services provided in all the Contractor’s salons for the amount paid for the services.
5.1.4. Make a preliminary appointment and cancellation of an appointment to visit the salon by phone of the Contractor.
5.2. The customer undertakes:
5.2.1. Provide complete and reliable information necessary for his identification.
5.2.2. When contacting the Executor for the provision of services, do not violate the requirements of current legislation and norms of morality and morality accepted by society.
5.2.3. To pay for the services of the Contractor in a timely manner, in the order, amount and within the terms specified in the Agreement.
5.2.4. Accept the services provided by the Contractor if they comply with the terms of the Agreement.
5.2.5. When using the services, be guided by the reference information posted in the appropriate section on the website
5.2.6. In the event of claims regarding the services provided by the Contractor, notify the Contractor of this in writing in a free form within 3 (three) calendar days from the moment when the Customer became aware of the Contractor’s non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of its obligations under this Agreement.
5.2.7. To comply with the legislation of Ukraine regarding the protection of the Artist’s copyright.
5.2.8. In case of circumstances that make it impossible to visit the Contractor’s salon, notify about the cancellation of the previous appointment no later than 24 hours before the planned visit.
5.3. The executor has the right to:
5.3.1. Engage third parties who have the necessary qualifications to provide a specific type of service for the performance of their duties.
5.3.2. Check the information provided by the Customer, as well as the Customer’s fulfillment of the terms of the Agreement.
5.3.3. Refuse the Customer to provide services in cases, if:
a) the customer has violated his obligations regarding payment for services;
b) the customer uses the results of the provided services for illegal purposes, which harms or may harm the rights and legitimate interests of the Contractor and/or third parties;
c) the customer is under the influence of alcohol or drugs or the behavior of the Customer or other persons poses a threat to the life and health of the representative of the Contractor;
d) the customer does not agree with the terms of this Agreement.
5.3.4. Change or supplement the Agreement at any time without prior or subsequent notification, which is published 10 days before they enter into force and are made public by means of a publication on the Site The Customer is responsible for familiarizing himself with the current version of the Agreement. Continuation of the use of the mobile application by the Customer after making changes and/or additions to the Agreement means acceptance and consent of the User with such changes and/or additions.
5.3.5. Block funds on the card account indicated by the Customer in the amount of the cost of the ordered services.
5.3.6. Debit the cost of the service from the Customer’s account or cancel the Certificate in case of violation of the terms specified in clause 5.2.8.
5.4. The executor undertakes to:
5.4.1. Provide the Customer with the opportunity to receive services of appropriate quality.
5.4.2. Provide the Customer with the opportunity to receive information on the provision of services.
5.4.3. Provide the Customer with the opportunity to receive services.
5.4.4. In case of impossibility of providing the service due to the fault of the Contractor, immediately notify the Customer of the impossibility and agree on the date and time of providing the service.
5.4.5. To ensure, in accordance with the established procedure, the confidentiality of information relating to the subject of the Agreement, the progress of its implementation and the results obtained.
5.4.6. To comply with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” when processing personal data of System Users.

Section 6.
Terms of purchase and use of certificates

6.1. The certificate purchased by the buyer is the basis for ordering and using the service within the amount indicated on the certificate, no later than the date indicated on it. The certificate can be used by any person who presented it during its validity period.
6.2 The certificate cannot be exchanged for cash, except for the possibility of returning the value of the certificate within 14 days from the date of purchase, provided that the original certificate, settlement document, registered telephone number and passport (other identity document) of the buyer are presented at the same time. In case of non-fulfillment of the above requirements, the amount of paid funds will not be returned. When returning funds, the cost of the printed certificate form, which is 100 (one hundred) hryvnias, is deducted from the total amount of the refund.
6.3. The validity period of the certificate can be extended for no more than 3 months on the basis of the buyer’s oral statement received no later than 1 month after the expiration of its validity period, subject to additional payment/ordering of services in the amount equal to fifty percent of the value specified on the certificate or more at the request of the buyer.
6.4. In the case of purchasing a certificate for a certain amount or for a certain list of services, the buyer during the period of its validity independently chooses the type of services for an amount equal to the value of the certificate. At the same time, a separate service is provided in full and cannot be divided into several visits. When using the certificate, the actual cost of the service on the day of use is taken into account.
6.5. The validity of the certificate does not extend to promotional prices. In the case of using the certificate to pay for a service that is subject to a promotional offer (reduced price), the buyer pays the full cost of the service.
6.6. The buyer is warned about the possibility of changes in prices for services, which are made known by posting current information about prices for services on the official website and/or in the salon.
6.7. The certificate can be restored in the event of its loss only after identification of the buyer, in particular, indicating the last name, first name, phone number indicated at the time of purchase, provided a receipt is provided. The fee for renewal of the certificate form is 100 (one hundred) hryvnias, which is paid on the day of renewal.
6.8. Payment of Certificates with a certificate is not allowed. The certificate cannot be used to pay for a new certificate.
6.9. The certificate will be canceled without refund if an appointment has been made for the service under the certificate, but no one has appeared to receive it and/or a warning has not been received by phone call to cancel the appointment at least 24 hours before the scheduled time of the visit.
6.10. If the certificate expires, its validity will be terminated, regardless of unused services or remaining funds.

Section 7.
Terms of purchase and use of deposits

7.1. The Customer pays the Contractor a sum of money (Deposit) for using the services of the “Bali” Spa salons on subscription terms and benefits from discounts on the Contractor’s services (a certain percentage of the regular price) during the period specified in the contract, within the amount of the Deposit.
7.2. By agreement of the Parties, the funds contributed by the Customer may be used by him personally or by two persons at the same time during the validity of the Agreement, specified at the time of signing the Agreement. 7.3. The customer grants the right to use the Deposit to his trusted person in addition to himself.

Rights and duties
7.4. Rights of the Customer:
7.4.1. To use the services provided in all salons of the Contractor, for the amount of the Deposit.
7.4.2. Designate, in addition to yourself, one authorized person, specified in this contract, who must use the Deposit.
7.4.3. To receive information about current prices for services posted on the official website and/or located at the Contractor’s Administrator.
7.4.4. Make a preliminary appointment and cancellation of an appointment to visit the salon by phone of the Contractor.
7.4.5. The customer has no right to use the Deposit to purchase Goods or purchase gift certificates.
7.4.6. When using the Deposit, additional discounts for promotional offers are not added. 7.4.7. The deposit or its part is not returned to the Customer.
7.5. Duties of the Customer:
7.5.1. Comply with the procedure for making a prior appointment to visit the salon and notify by phone call in case of cancellation of the appointment no later than 24 hours before the scheduled time of arrival.
7.5.2. Receive a settlement document from the Contractor after each visit.
7.5.3. To provide, at the request of the Contractor, the information necessary for the identification of the Customer.
7.6. Rights of the Performer:
7.6.1. Keep records of visits.
7.6.2. Provide a settlement document after each visit to the Customer.
7.6.3. The Contractor has the right to form the Customer’s questionnaire indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and contact phone number.
7.6.4. Deduct the cost of the service from the Deposit in case of non-fulfillment by the Customer of the obligation stipulated in clause 7.5.1 of this contract, in case of non-appearance at the scheduled time and failure to notify the Customer of the cancellation of the appointment.
7.7. Duties of the Executor:
7.7.1. To provide services to the Customer during the term of the contract under the terms of this contract.
7.7.2. To ensure confidentiality and non-disclosure of information about the Customer without his consent.

Section 8.
Terms of delivery of gift certificates

8.1 The Buyer receives the Certificate with the help of delivery services, or receives it personally.
8.2. When the Certificates are delivered to other cities of Ukraine or on the territory of another country, which is performed by other delivery services (hereinafter Carrier Companies), the Buyer fully and unconditionally agrees to the Rules of cargo transportation by these Carrier Companies.
8.3. The fact of receiving the Certificate and the absence of complaints regarding the appearance of the Certificate, which is delivered by the Carrier Companies, is confirmed by the Buyer with his own signature on the waybill, the declaration of the Carrier Company, or in the delivery note when receiving the Certificate. For its part, the Seller guarantees the shipment of the Certificate to the carrier company for the amount or service ordered and paid for by the Buyer.
8.4. In case of absence of the Buyer at the delivery address indicated by the Buyer in the application or refusal of the Buyer to receive the Certificate for unjustified reasons, upon delivery by the carrier Company’s courier, the Certificate is returned to the Contractor. Payment for the services of the Carrier Company is deducted from the amount transferred by the Buyer for the Certificate. The balance of the amount is returned to the Buyer on the basis of his letter sent to e-mail: indicating the bank account to which the money should be returned.
All questions that arose during the process of payment and receipt of the Certificate can be clarified by the Buyer using the contact information in the Contacts section.

Section 9.
Conditions for returning certificates

9.1. According to Art. 9 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the Buyer has the right to exchange the Certificate within fourteen days, not counting the day of purchase, unless a longer period is announced by the Seller. The buyer has the right to exchange the Certificate, taking into account the provisions of the legislation on the grounds and the list of Goods that cannot be exchanged (returned).
9.2. If the Buyer intends to return the Certificate, such return is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, taking into account the rules and conditions of the carrier or courier, which operate on the territory of Ukraine or on the territory of another country in accordance with the place of receipt of the Certificate.
9.3. The certificate cannot be exchanged for cash, except for the possibility of returning the value of the certificate within 14 days from the date of purchase, provided that the original certificate, settlement document, registered phone number and passport (other identity document) of the buyer are presented at the same time. In case of non-fulfillment of the above requirements, the amount of paid funds will not be returned. When returning funds, the cost of the printed certificate form, which is 100 (one hundred) hryvnias, is deducted from the total amount of the refund.

Section 10.

10.1. Dispute settlement procedure and applicable law.
10.1.1. All disputes and controversies that may arise in the process of rendering services by the Contractor, in connection with the acceptance, implementation and/or violation of the provisions of this Agreement and all its annexes, shall be settled through negotiations between the Parties.
10.1.2. In the event of failure to reach an agreement through negotiations, the Customer reserves the right to present claims, which must be considered by the Contractor within a reasonable time, in order to settle disputes and disputes in a pre-trial manner.
10.1.3. In the event of failure to reach an agreement between the Parties, through negotiations and the possibility of pre-trial settlement, all disputes and disputes shall be resolved in a court of law at the location of the Contractor.
10.1.4. The current norms and provisions of the legislation of Ukraine are applied to the relations of the parties arising from the acceptance and execution of this Agreement and all Annexes to it, to the extent that this does not contradict the mandatory norms of the law of Ukraine.
10.2. Limitation of the Contractor’s liability.
10.2.1. The parties understand and acknowledge that the inconsistency of the result of the provision of this or that service with the result that the Customer expected and desired to receive when applying for the provision of the corresponding service, in itself is not a fact of the provision of such a service of inadequate quality.
10.3. Final provisions.
10.3.1. The Contractor reserves the right to unilaterally amend this Agreement at any time.
10.3.2. All changes to this Agreement are published on the Contractor’s website.
10.3.3. All changes to this Agreement become effective from the moment of their publication on the Contractor’s Website.
10.3.4. The changes that have entered into force apply to all Customers.
10.3.5. Customers are considered notified of the changes made to the Agreement from the moment these changes are published on the Contractor’s website.
10.3.6. All Appendices to the Agreement are integral parts of this Agreement and are mandatory for their execution and compliance.

Section 11.
Responsibilities of the parties

11.1. Damages caused to the Customer by non-performance or improper performance of this Agreement by the Contractor shall be fully compensated by the Contractor, if such damages are caused by the Contractor’s fault. The executor is released from compensation for damages in the event that the proper execution of the Agreement was impossible due to force majeure;
11.2. The Customer bears material responsibility for the damage caused to the Contractor. The Customer is obliged to compensate the value of the destroyed or damaged property of the Contractor due to the fault of the Customer;
11.3. The customer is responsible for keeping the locker keys provided to him.
11.4. If the Customer violates public order (including being in a state of alcohol or other intoxication), the Contractor reserves the right to refuse further services to the Customer.
11.5. The Contractor is not responsible for the preservation of personal belongings of the Customers, left in lockers for storing things or in other places in the Contractor’s premises.
11.6. The Customer is responsible for injury and health.
11.7. The Contractor is not responsible for the violation of this Agreement and/or failure to provide services, if this is related to a violation in providing the Contractor with utility services and if it is related to the occurrence of force majeure circumstances.

Section 12.
Term of the contract

12.1. The valid contract of the Public Offer is effective from the moment the Customer joins it.
12.2. The term of the contract is unlimited.
12.3. The Customer has the right to terminate the valid contract if the Contractor fails to fulfill its terms or if there is no need for the services. The Customer is obliged to notify the Contractor in writing about the termination of the contract.
12.4. After posting a valid Public Offer Agreement on the Contractor’s website, all previous agreements that conflict with it become invalid.
12.5. If necessary, at the request of the Customer, this Agreement can be executed in writing. Supplements, drawn up in writing and signed by the parties for the purpose of executing this contract, are an integral part of it.

Section 13.
Regulatory works

13.1. The site provides 24-hour (24/7) access to services via the Internet with the necessary level of access security and maintenance breaks. Technical support is provided daily from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., excluding weekends and scheduled work hours.
13.2. In cases of technical and preventive works, the uninterrupted operation of the services is not guaranteed and the Contractor is released from the responsibility provided for in this Agreement, as well as the current legislation of Ukraine.

Section 14.
Final provisions

14.1. This contract is governed by the current legislation of Ukraine.
14.2. The Contractor may conduct an audio recording of all conversations with the Customer without additional notification of the Customer. This information is confidential.
14.3. The Contractor maintains the confidentiality of the data and information received from the Customer when concluding the Agreement or during its execution and may distribute them only in the manner and in the cases expressly provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine.
14.4. The Customer gives unconditional consent to the storage and processing, including automated, of any information related to the Customer’s personal data for the purpose of performing this Agreement and the consequences of its performance or non-performance. The Customer gives the Contractor his consent to the processing of all his personal data without limitation of the storage period and the period of processing of personal data.
14.5. Recognizing any provision or point of this Agreement or its annexes as invalid does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions and conditions of the Agreement.

Customer: Contractor:
Volodymyr Ivanovych Chornovolsky FOP
Odesa, Shevchenko Ave. 12/1 sq. 66
EDRPOU No. 2716300199
Registration No. UA973287040000026004054303296
in YUGR PrivatBank,
MFO 328704
Single tax payer (II gr.)
(0800) 300255
Chernovolsky V.I
Current edition dated 11/15/2022.

Public offer agreement
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